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Organic Orchard Codling Moth Trap

Posted by Eagles Rest on

"Reduce, reuse, recycle." In today's very busy and extremely efficiency driven society, it can be incredibly difficult to live out this slogan. We at Eagles Rest are trying to, not only through all of our products, but also in our personal lives.

Recently, we saved some of our milk bottles from the recycling bin to be reused in a very meaningful way. Our home orchard struggles with a little creature called Codling moth. In the bottles, we put in a mixture of apple cider vinegar, molasses and ammonia. Then, we cut a slit in the side of the bottles and hung them in the apple trees. Sure enough, it worked!!

So, by choosing to find a way to reuse milk bottles and avoiding chemical sprays, we will enjoy sweet, unblemished apples! A small victory in our "reduce, reuse, recycle" lifestyle choices.

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